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What are Dr. Fife's Credentials?

What services do I pay for at WWC?

Where can I learn more about the services offered at WWC?

Does WWC take insurance?

How long are appointments at WWC?

Appointments vary by type you schedule for. At WWC we never have 2 of the same appointments, because no 2 patients are the same. We tailor and have specific appointments for every patients that comes into see us. Below are ranges for times that you can plan on.

  • Initial Appointment (45-60 minutes)
  • Subsequent Full Appointments (15-30 minutes)
  • Re-Exam Appointments (30-45 minutes)
  • Only One Service Appointments (10-15 minutes)

What should I know about my first (initial) appointment at WWC?

What kind of patients (demographics) are seen at WWC?

What is a treatment plan?