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Decoding Chiropractic: The Role of Innate Intelligence and Subluxation

As I journeyed deeper into my latest read, a particular question caught my attention, encapsulating the essence of our discussions so far. It revolves around the intricate interplay between Innate Intelligence, the body’s adaptation to Universal Forces, the potential for matter to be both destructible and malleable, and the pathways our bodies create to compensate for these forces.

The concept of vertebral subluxation is central to this discussion. It represents a disruption at the vertebral level, affecting ligaments, tendons, muscles, and discs. Despite this disruption, these structures continue their vital role in protecting the nervous system. However, when they become unadaptable to the Universal Forces acting upon them, they compensate by creating alternative pathways to the tissue. This might result in reduced quantity, but not quality, of communication because Mental Impulses — the expressions of Innate Intelligence — are always perfect in their execution.

But what happens when these pathways are compromised? The body, in its wisdom, creates compensatory mechanisms to adapt as effectively as possible. Yet, this adaptation isn’t without consequences. A reduction in the quantity of Mental Impulse communication to tissue cells can lead to a cascade of dis-ease and incoordination, affecting peripheral body parts linked to the affected cells. This is where the concept of triage by Innate Intelligence comes in — it’s the body’s best attempt to adapt without succumbing to destruction.

Enter the role of the neuromere. When a vertemere is subluxated, it impacts the nerve’s ability to conduct and deliver impulses. This discoordination can manifest as various symptoms — what I like to call “Chiropractic Symptoms” — which are distinct from medical symptoms. They’re the neuromere’s cry for help, signaling the need for an adjustment.

As chiropractors, our role is to decipher these cries. We determine whether the symptoms indicate a neuromere in distress due to a vertemere subluxation or if there’s a more complex issue at hand. Our ultimate goal is to become a conduit for Universal Force, aiding the Innate Intelligence in reestablishing proper communication through Mental Impulses. By adjusting the vertemere, we aim to correct the coordination of the neuromere.

This intricate web of relationships and adaptations is the heart of chiropractic philosophy. It’s not just about adjusting a bone; it’s about understanding and facilitating the body’s profound ability to heal and maintain balance. Through this lens, we see our patients not just as individuals with symptoms but as complex beings with an innate capacity for health and well-being.